Let Us Help Your Protect Your Flat Roof – Part 1

By: Planet Roofing and Solar September 6, 2016

At Planet Roofing, we see September and October as two of the most important months for your roof.

Summer’s hot temperatures are fading away, and the trees are changing color. That means Fall is on its way! Winter comes after Fall, and you need to make sure your roof is equipped to handle Colorado snow! This is especially true when it comes to flat roofs, which need to be able to handle all that freezing precipitation. In our next two blogs, we are going to share some important things to consider the two biggest winter threats to your flat roof.

Temperatures and Precipitationdreamstime_xxl_34280912

  • Temperatures
    • Flat roofs don’t shed water like slanted roofs do. When water collects on flat roofs, it’s called ‘ponding.’ All flat roofs experience some measure of ponding, but winter’s relentless repetition of precipitation, freezing temperatures, and bright sun can turn ponding into an issue. In Colorado, not only do our winters deliver sub-zero temperatures that freeze water, our bright sun easily melts it. That means water that gets into the joints of your roof will alternately shrink and expand, forcing the joints apart. This can lead to damage and serious leakages.
  • Precipitation

    • Denver gets significant snowfall each year, and snow is heavy! Your roof may struggle under the weight of the snow, which will melt unevenly in the sun. Each roof has systems for getting water off of it, but snow and ice wreak havoc by building up in some places and melting away in others. As a result, water can get trapped and start infiltrating the seams via the freezing/thawing process we just mentioned.

Your roof is your home or business’s first defense against the elements. Before the weather changes, contact us for roof inspection. We will make sure your roof is ready to take whatever this winter can throw at it!


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