
How Does a Roof Inspection Help You Sell Your Home?

The housing market is all over the place. Just when you think it’s one thing, it changes. The one constant in the housing market is that some people need to sell their homes and other people need to buy them. Based on that reality, the best you can do is do everything to make your…


Do You Know Your Roof’s Repair History?

In a housing market that is always changing, having the upper hand is a must. When you get your roof inspected by a professional inspector, you may have to pay for some repairs. However, you will get a certificate that you can use to your advantage when selling your house! At Planet Roofing, we cannot…


How Many Layers Does Your Roof Have?

Realtors will tell you that the bathroom and kitchen are the main selling points for your home, but don’t underestimate the significance of your roof! Any savvy buyer will avoid a house with a sketchy roof, and a great way to calm their worries is to present them with an inspection certificate. You can only…


Roof Inspectors & Roof Pitch

When you’re selling your house, getting the roof inspected is a great option. Depending on where you live, you may be required by law to do so. Either way, be aware that a “home inspector” probably won’t pay enough attention to your roof. Having a dedicated roofing professional look over your roof and give you…


More About Roof Certifications

Getting your roof inspected by a professional is a great idea, especially if you’re going to sell. A roof inspection will boost the confidence of prospective buyers and give you a better chance at getting the price you hope for, especially because home inspectors often overlook the roof. There’s nothing like a certificate to make…


Roof Certification 101

Have you heard of roof certifications? If you have, it was probably while selling or buying a home. Roof certifications give home buyers peace of mind by assuring that the roof of their new home has been thoroughly checked over by a professional. It gives sellers an extra edge, especially when it’s a buyer’s market….


The Unsung Heroes of Your Roof – Part 2

Keeping your home or business safe and dry begins with the roof. Every day, a system of highly-innovated systems works together to protect you and your property from the elements, and we know how to keep it going strong. In our last blog, we went over two parts of your roof that usually go unnoticed,…


The Unsung Heroes of Your Roof – Part 1

Your roof is made up of tough parts that need to work together. When one part of the system has trouble, the rest of the roof is negatively affected. Though the shingles are the most visible part of the roof, they cannot do their job without the rest of the parts. In the next two blogs,…


Why the Pros Should Work on Your Roof – Part 2

Are you considering fixing your roof this summer? Maybe you’ve lost a few shingles and it looks like an easy repair job. Just do some research, get out the ladder, and get it done, right? Unfortunately, DIY roofing is one of the least-advisable summer projects out there. Not only is it dangerous, your roof is…


Why the Pros Should Work on Your Roof – Part 1

Summer is a great time to tackle home-improvement projects! If your roof is on the list, there are some things we want you to consider before you get out the ladder and climb up to clean your roof or mend shingles. DIY roofing can be very dangerous if you don’t have professional experience, and the…


Our Recent Posts

Reasons Solar Panels Are the Future

We have all heard the back and forth argument about the future of energy. Will fossil fuels continue to be the primary electrical energy source, or will renewable, green energies be? Here at Planet Roofing and Solar, we want to weigh in on this subject as it is dear to us. The planet is obviously…

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Solar Panels and Colorado

Denver roofing companies are coming around to the idea that solar is the way to go. And why not? Colorado is the perfect place for it. Here at Planet Roofing and Solar, we know a thing or two about solar. We have years of experience staying up on the cutting edge of solar energy and…

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Why Invest in Solar Panels?

Solar energy is a great resource that keeps getting better. Here at Planet Roofing and Solar, we know Solar well. We install cutting-edge solar technology for a fair rate in Denver, Colorado. A lot of people have questions regarding our solar energy systems, and particularly, why solar is worth it. Reduce or Eliminate Your Electric…

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